How Much Car Tag Plate Cost in Nc
Tax and Tag Together Program - September 2013 North Carolina changed the law on property taxes and registration fees for tagged vehicles. The program was designed as a convenient way to pay registration fees and property taxes in one transaction at the NC DMV LICENSE PLATE AGENCY.
You must pay to NC DMV by mail, online or in person at a License Plate Agency.
If you purchase a vehicle and do not transfer an active tag to it, you will be required to either pay the property tax at the time you register the vehicle or acquire a Limited Registration plate which allows you approximately 60 days to pay the taxes. Limited Registration taxes must be paid to NC DMV. Be sure to select Pay Limited Registration Taxes.
The Tag and Tax Together Program does not apply to vehicles that have an IRP plate (International Registration plate/ Apportioned Tag) or permanent/ multi-year plate. Please see Personal Property for listing requirements for these vehicles.
Who Should I Contact? | DMV 919-814-1779 | Gaston County Tax Office 704-866-3199 |
Change of Address | ![]() | |
Taxed in Wrong County | ![]() | |
Charged GASTONIA CITY TAX and live in county or other city within Gaston County | ![]() | |
Appeal Value of My Vehicle | ![]() | |
Refund or Proration of County Taxes | ![]() | |
Problem with Registration or Registration Late Fees | ![]() |
Value Appeal
Vehicle valuation may be appealed to the Gaston County Tax Office by filing a request for appeal within 30 days of the date taxes are due on the vehicle.
Motor Vehicle Appeal Form
Proration or Refund
You may request a refund or proration of property taxes paid for registered motor vehicles that have been sold or suffered a total loss. Within one year from the date you turn in your NC Tag to a NCDMV tag office, you must provide to the Gaston County Tax Department a copy of your NC Tag Surrender Receipt (FS20) and a Bill of Sale or Total Loss Statement for a refund. Gaston County Tax Department may refund property taxes only.
All Proration/Refund requests may be submitted:
- In person to 128 W Main Ave Gastonia, NC 28052 Room 117
- By mail PO Box 1578 Gastonia, NC 28053
- Fax 704-862-6262
- Email:
Antique Automobiles are vehicles 30 years and older values are determined using Old Car Report Pricing Guide at a Level 4.
- Level 4) Good A drivable vehicle needing no, or only minor work to be functional. Also a deteriorated restoration or a poor amateur restoration. All Components may need restoration to be "excellent," but the vehicle is mostly usable "as is". This is a driver.
Antique Automobiles owners may apply for Antique Registration through the NCDMV. Once an Antique Registration has been issued by the NCDMV taxpayers have the right to apply for an Antique Exemption Application. The application must be filed with the Gaston County Tax Department to receive a reduced tax valuation of $500.
Antique Automobile Value Exclusion Application
Motor Vehicle Exemptions
North Carolina General Statutes allow for certain types of property to receive exclusions or exemptions from property taxes. Exemptions may include Charitable, Religious, Educational, and Government. Active Duty Military must submit copy of LES and Veterans whom vehicle has been given by the United States Government or that is altered with special equipment to accommodate a service-connected disability must provide documentation from Department of Veterans Affairs.
Motor Vehicle Exemption Application
Vehicle Registration Gap Property Tax Notice
Gap Property Tax Notices must be paid to Gaston County Tax Department
What is a Gap Property Tax Notice?
It is a property tax bill that covers any months your vehicle was unregistered or had an expired tag and the issuance of a new vehicle registration or renewal for that vehicle.
Example :
Your vehicle was broken down and sits for 6 months, while repairs were made the tag expired. You were unable to renew the registration and pay property taxes because the vehicle could not pass inspection. Now the vehicle is back in operation you have registered it and been issued a current tag. The vehicle had a "Gap" in the registration while it was sitting waiting for repairs. The Gap Property Tax Notice will be for the months in between when the tag expired and the new registration was issued.
I paid taxes when I tagged the vehicle?
Yes, when you were issued the new tag you did pay the property taxes for the tax year going forward which follows the new tag. The "Gap" property tax is for the back months the vehicle did not have a valid registration.
Do I have to pay taxes on a vehicle that is not working?
Yes , North Carolina Statutes require that all vehicles be taxed as either a registered motor vehicle or personal property (unregistered vehicle). Regardless of the condition or function of the vehicle it must be taxed, the tax value could be adjusted for the condition but it must be taxed.
Registered Motor Vehicles FAQs
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How Much Car Tag Plate Cost in Nc
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